I am grateful that you are here. My name is Heather Angstadt and I am the creatress of The Ruby Spiral. I created The Ruby Spiral as a way to share my passion for women's wisdom and womb medicine, supporting myself and other women to live with more joy, ease, and vitality through connection to the Earth and Stars, our bodies, hearts, minds, spirits, and cyclic nature.
My own personal ongoing journey and life experiences have led me to this place. A deep self love and embodiment of my personal magic is the foundation from which I share. I am delighted and honored to support you along your path and guide you home to the wellspring of wisdom within you!
My Journey
My journey began with very little information or education about my womb and my menstrual cycle. My first understanding that as women, our bodies follow a cyclic rhythm, came when I was nineteen years old. My doctor at the time told me about the ovulatory phase of the cycle, in relation to that being the time when women were most likely to conceive. And that was all of the information I received about my fertility cycle at that time.
Breathwork as a Catalyst for Womb Awakening
A deeper and more profound opening into my womb and cyclic nature began during a Shamanic Breathwork course with Linda Star Wolf in early 2013. For ten years prior to that, I was an active yogini and spiritual seeker, and studied energetic healing techniques such as Pranic Healing and Reiki.
While I highly value all of my experiences during that period of my journey, I began to notice that most of my healing and spiritual seeking was related to the heart and upper chakras and the lower part of my body, especially with regard to my womb and sexual energy, was crying out for some serious care and attention. I also began to notice that my intention for learning healing modalities was to help other people instead of caring for myself first.
Because of these observations, I realized that my own healing, health, and well-being is foundational and directly linked to my ability to support others. I sought out Breathwork as a way to gain clarity around what was happening in my body and womb and to bring healing to those spaces. My experience during the Shamanic Breathwork journey was quite a catalyst for me and was the first time I felt the magnitude of my womb space. At first I felt density and heaviness, like I was birthing collective feminine pain, without having an idea of what exactly that meant at the time. As I continued to breathe and go deeper into the process, a profound remembrance was ignited. A remembrance of the potency of the womb, feminine magnetism, and our eternal connection to Mother Earth. Through this journey, my passionate love for feminine medicine and womb wisdom was birthed.
Going Deeper
Following the Shamanic Breathwork journey, I began seeking out experiences to support my womb awakening, which led me to sacred sexuality, Tibetan pulsing, sacred dance, kundalini yoga, menstrual cycle wisdom, blood mysteries, hands on healing with plants, womb massage, and herbalism. My soul continued to remember its divinity through these practices and I often gathered with others to pray, connect, and be of service to each other, the Earth, and the Cosmos. A women’s gathering with the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers, creating ceremonies to honor Sophia, Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalene, offering hands on blessing with plants and water, anointing with oils, and apprenticing in Wise Womb Medicine with an incredible group of women were profound gifts along my womb awakening path.
Memories of these experiences are held forever in my heart ~ they were so supportive for my own growth and healing. Through them I now understand the sacredness of the body and sexual energy, how to channel and work with that energy, and how to be in right relationship with myself, others, and the Earth and Spirit realms.
The Healing Magic of Plants
When I look back at my childhood, I have fond memories of picking flowers, climbing trees, walking and frolicking in gardens, and laying down in soft grass. It was in those sweet, tender moments with Nature that I felt most connected and at home in my body and I am now seeing how that carries over into my life as an adult.
Living my life in sync with my cyclic nature and embodying the wisdom I carry within has impacted every area of my life and ultimately guides my day-to-day lifestyle. It deepens my connection to myself, my creativity and my intuition, supports me in making self care a priority, gives me clarity on what I need to thrive, and guides me on how I can best show up to support others.
The Power of Womb Work
As women, our energies are cyclic like the Moon and the seasons of the year and are continuously shifting and changing. During our menstruating years, our body follows a rhythm that repeats itself every month, known as a fertility or moon cycle. Being cyclic beings means that our energy levels, feelings and emotions, attention levels, moods, appetites, and physical sensations in the body will change from day-to-day and week-to-week depending on where we are in our monthly fertility cycle.
Beyond our monthly fertility cycles, we experience our cyclic nature as we become mothers to children and creative projects, embody our clarity and knowledge as we age, and become elders and wise women in our communities. I believe our grandmothers of times past embodied this wisdom and lived their lives in this cyclic way. I also believe this is basic wisdom that all women deserve access to.
My own personal ongoing journey and life experiences have led me to this place. A deep self love and embodiment of my personal magic is the foundation from which I share. I am delighted and honored to support you along your path and guide you home to the wellspring of wisdom within you!